The primary goal of St. Mary Magdalen Extended Care is to provide a warm, caring and safe environment for children of working parents during the after-school hours. Our program runs from grades 3-year-old Pre-Kindergarten to Grade 8.
After School Care
After care is available from 2:45 PM - 6:00 PM on all full school days and from 11:45 AM - 6:00 PM on most half days. After School Care will take place in the Church Hall. A registration form and a monthly calendar must be completed by the parents before the student may attend.
Before School Care
Before Care is available from 7:00 AM - 7:45 AM on all school days at the cost of $2.00 per day per child. Before School Care will take place in the Church Hall. The children are walked to the school at 7:45 AM daily.
*Fees, policies and procedures may be viewed in the Extended Care Handbook.
If you have any questions or would like to request a calendar, please contact Mrs. Denise Laganosky at (302) 288-0320 or at [email protected].
Our primary goal is to provide a warm, caring and safe environment for children of working parents during the after-school hours. Our program runs from grades 3-year-old Pre-Kindergarten to Grade 8. In doing so, we endeavor:
To provide an environment that is as much like home as possible.
To provide a flexible curriculum with appropriate activities to meet the developmental needs of each child.
To encourage individual growth and promote a positive self-concept for each child.
To encourage group participation, individual acceptance and the warmth of family living.
To provide a place where each child has the opportunity to develop skills, form friendships and acquire healthy personal attitudes toward self, peers and adults.
The After-School Program directly follows the Diocesan/School calendar. The first day of coverage will be the first day of school. If the school year begins with half days, care will be provided.
Absentee Procedures
Please call or send a note to the school office to inform the Director.
Half Days
Special activities and/or field trips are planned for half days and no extra fee is charged. A signed permission slip is required for all field trips.
Holidays and In-Service Days
No coverage will be offered at this time for holidays, in-service days or school vacations.
Snow Days
No coverage will be offered when school is closed for snow. This includes both early dismissal snow days and full day closings. However, we will provide one hour of coverage after the announced dismissal time to pick up children. We do offer credit on full snow day closings.
Sign-Out Procedures
Each time you pick up your child, you will be requested to initial a sign-out sheet which will be posted on our bulletin board. Please notify the Director if your child will be picked up by someone other than the regular person.
Departure Time
You may pick up your child any time after his/her arrival, but no later than 6:00 PM. Failure to do so will result in an additional fee of $5.00 for every 10 minutes past 6:00 PM.
Disciplinary Action
In the event we are experiencing disciplinary or behavioral difficulties with your child, we will notify you of the specific problem and request your assistance in eliminating it.
Emergency Procedures
In the case of an emergency, the following will be done:
Parent(s) will be notified and advised of the situation.
If the parent(s) or emergency contact can't be reached and it is felt to be necessary by the Director, the child will be taken by ambulance to AI duPont Hospital for Children (1600 Rockland Road).
Parent(s) will be notified by the remaining staff as to the nature of the emergency and where the child was taken.
On half days please have your child bring a lunch and a beverage.
A snack will be provided on a daily basis. If your child is allergic to any foods, please inform the Director.
Tuition is paid on a monthly basis on or before the 30th/31st day of the month. Please make the checks payable to St. Mary Magdalen and give them to the Director of the program. You will pay tuition at the end of one month for the following month. There is a minimum attendance requirement of 6 days per month except during the months of December, April and June.
Regular Days: $12.00 (K-8) & $15.00 (3 & 4 year old Pre-K) per day per child
Half Days: $19.00 (K-8) & $22.00 (3 & 4 year old Pre-K) per day per child
There will be a $15.00 late fee charged for any calendar received after the due date.
If you need to reach the extended care program, please dial (302) 288-0320. Voicemails will be answered as soon as possible.
Before School Care
The St. Mary Magdalen Before Care program will begin on Tuesday, September 7th. Before care is available from 7:00 AM - 7:45 AM on all school days at the cost of $2.00 per day per child. Before School Care will take place in the Church Hall. The children are walked to the school at 7:45 AM daily.
If you have any questions or would like to request a calendar, please contact Mrs. Denise Laganosky at (302) 288-0320 or at [email protected].